Hi! I’m Beth. My husband, Skip, and I lead a house church in the Washington, D.C. metro region called JoyHouseDC. We prepare and send out fiery, holy disciples into the earth to do the work of God’s Kingdom.

We have spent the last several decades on a radical journey of surrender and obedience to God. It brought us through exhilarating adventures and agonizing growth processes. The Lord has established us in Him. We are so grateful!

I am passionate about Jesus, and that has led me to blog, teach, and write books.

I’m honored to share what the Lord has taught me and is actively revealing to me through His written Word and speaking to me in the still, small voice.

We believe that one of the ways God wants to reveal Himself to this generation is through spiritually and relationally healthy families. We have included our children in our lives with the Lord, and we value what they add to our family—including spiritual input. We love tending our primary mission: our family.

I’m married to my best friend and high school sweetheart (for nearly 25 years!). Together we raise (and homeschool) our 4 children.

We have lived mostly in tropical places: Florida, Hawaii, and Costa Rica; we LOVE the beach!

We prayed for a place to set down roots for our family, and we were looking to find a “tribe” of people who love God with their everything and want to live completely sold out to Him. About 5 years ago, God moved us to our next adventure: being missionaries in our nation’s capital! In DC, a righteous group of people has gathered around us, and we are honored to serve both our local community and the people of all nations who visit our city. God has grown our hearts to love DC. (and Virginia and Maryland too!)

Sofia worshiping in front of the Supreme Court (below). The kids on the National Mall in front of the Washington Monument (left).

Acts 4:13 TPT “The council members were astonished as they witnessed the bold courage of Peter and John, especially when they discovered that they were just ordinary men who had never had religious training. Then they began to understand the effect Jesus had on them simply by spending time with him.”

Ordinary people who spend time with Jesus are the ones who change the world. Won’t you join me in becoming that kind of ordinary?

